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Interested in learning more? Here are a number of frequently asked questions I've received. I've tried including a comprehensive variety, but if you still have questions, please drop me an email or complete the 'Enquire' form to find out more!

Do you charge extra for nutritional guidance?

No, nutritional guidance and support is provided with all packages. These will continually be reviewed to ensure you keep progressing towards your goals.

Do I need to have access to a gym?

Definitely not. You can achieve fantastic results with nothing more than your body weight and some household objects most of us have lying around. That said, some low cost, easy to store equipment such as resistance bands, dumbbells (adjustable can be a fantastic space saving option) and even a pull up bar can be fantastic to provide further options and create more variety in your training. We will talk through what would work best for you, depending on your goals, in our initial call.

How will I know if I am completing an exercise correctly?

You will receive a video demonstration of each exercise in your exercise programme. You can also record yourself completing an exercise which I can review and provide feedback on your technique. 

How does your Online Coaching Work?

In our initial call I will take the time to understand your health and fitness background, your goals, your starting point and everything needed to develop your plan. 

I will then create a tailor made plan to help you achieve your goals. You receive all the expertise and knowledge of an in-person personal trainer, however you won't need to schedule workouts as you will follow the plan in your own time. You will receive nutritional coaching specific to your needs and daily targets.

Your workout plans are updated each month and we will have regular video check-in calls to ensure accountability and continued progress towards your goals.

Do I need to workout a certain number of times a week to get results?

No. Everything is created specifically for you to make sure you achieve results with the time available to you. If you follow the nutritional guidance provided, stick to the healthy habits we build you will able to achieve fantastic results with less 'workout' time than you would think!

Am I tied into a long term contract?

Initially a 3 month commitment is made. This is a great amount of time to see impressive results and positive changes in your life. From there, you decide how long you continue to work with me as you move onto a rolling monthly contract.

Can I do my workouts in a gym, or a mixture of at home and gym workouts?

Absolutely, your plan will be designed specifically to cater for your personal needs. If you prefer home workouts, gym workouts, or a mixture of both your programme will be developed with that in mind. Programmes are regularly updated to keep you progressing towards your goals and will be adapted depending on the environment you wish to train in, even if that changes through the year!

How will I receive my workouts?

You will receive your tailored workouts through a mobile app (can be accessed via a computer if you prefer). The app will provide all the details you require for your workout including exercises, repetitions, sets, rest periods, notes and technique guidance. You will be able to track your performance for each workout in the app and provide end of session feedback. This feedback will then be utilised in your check-in calls to keep you moving forward!

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